Dr Zoe Hodson
Specialist GP & Founder
After 20 years in General Practice she decided to specialise in menopause care and established 'Manchester Menopause Hive Ltd'. The aim of the clinic is to provide personalised, evidence-based care and listening ears.
Outside of the clinic Zoe spends time working pro bono with groups who frequently have unmet needs. Over the last year this has included talks and events with Afrocats, the African and Carribean Mental Health Network, the local probation service, community groups in Bury, Stretford and Rochdale and the annual World Menopause Day at The Whitworth Art Gallery. She is delighted to have been invited to join the steering group for Women's Health in Greater Manchester.
In her spare time Zoe enjoys many yarn related activities such as crochet and knitting as well as fashioning clothing from second hand curtains. She enjoys family trips to the coast and is a cold-water paddler as she has not quite yet embraced the delights of full immersion.
Zoe is a member of the British Menopause Society, the International Menopause Society and the Primary Care Women's Health Forum
Dr Catherine Taylor
GP with an extended role in Gynaecology. BMS Accredited menopause doctor
Catherine was a partner and senior partner in General Practice in South Warwickshire for 19 years before focusing solely on Women’s Health. She continues to work in the NHS as a GP with an extended role within a Primary Care Gynaecology Service, which accepts referrals from GPs on all aspects of women’s health including complex menopause issues.
Catherine qualified from the University of Birmingham in 1993 with honours in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. This started an interest in women’s health and she went on to gain additional qualifications including the Diploma of the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (DRCOG) and the Diploma of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health (DFRSH). Catherine has undertaken her menopause training with the British Menopause Society (BMS) and has gained the Advanced Certificate in the Principles and Practice of Menopause Care. Catherine continues to be a member of the BMS and regular attends conferences with both the BMS and IMS (International Menopause Society).
Catherine has had a career long interest in helping and supporting women through the menopause transition, and has also undertaken teaching and training sessions for GPs on various subjects linked to menopause. Catherine works with two menopause charities in the Warwickshire areas – Lifeways Menopause Support Group and Action Menopause Warwickshire. She is keen that all women should have access to good, well balanced and reliable menopause information and advice. Within her practice she seeks to provide a personal touch with continuity of care at every appointment.
Away from work Catherine enjoys yoga, Pilates, swimming and art as well as singing with Stratford Upon Avon Choral Society. She is absolutely delighted to be working with Dr Zoe Hodson at Manchester Menopause Hive. She has found in Zoe, someone with the same motivations, values and ethos in providing excellent menopause care to women.
Dr Rachael Chrystal
GP and BMS Accredited menopause doctor
Outside of medicine, Rachael is an experienced wellbeing, career and leadership coach, accredited by the EMCC. She has completed an MSc in positive psychology and coaching psychology, which has allowed her to understand the science and practice of supporting wellbeing and flourishing in the contexts of life, work and health, which has had a hugely positive influence on her medical work. She has completed research into the experiences of burnout in professional women during perimenopause.
Alongside this, she enjoys speaking to organisations and groups about women's health and the impact on work to empower women to feel educated and informed, as well as support organisations to become more women's health friendly.
Outside of work, she enjoys spending time in nature with her dog, running and travel; and benefits from practising yoga and teaches weekly classes in her local area.
Helen Kellett

Senior Administrator
Helen has over 30 years’ experience of administration management, both in the public and private sectors. With a real passion for helping and supporting others, her empathy and compassion make her the perfect choice for our practice. She has a real drive for raising awareness and supporting our clients on their own personal menopause journey.
Away from work, Helen offers voluntary bereavement counselling, has a love for Reiki, crystal healing and mindfulness retreats.